Saturday, August 3, 2019

Assessment Procedures for Professional Hires Essay -- Assessment Proce

Traditionally when a job is advertised the specification has been formulated in line with one of two main concepts, person specification, stating the desired personal characteristics for the role or job description, which details the specifics of the role itself (Casio & Aguinis 2011) but it has been argued that with the rise of psychometric testing and an increasing focus on personality and behaviours, job advertisements need to evolve and incorporate the two (Cook and Cripps 2005). This is done through the process of job analysis. It is crucial to always assess the validity and reliability of job specification information (Harvey, 1991) and hard to downplay its importance as the first point of contact with candidates (Sanchez & Levine 2001). Inaccurate job specifications can be detrimental to organizational effectiveness. Imprecise job information can result in ineffective recruiting and selection practices, increased levels of turnover, low job satisfaction and decreased morale (Morgeson & Campion, 1997). Job analysis can help solidify an organisations structure by clarifying roles and expected behaviours (Casio & Aguinis 2011) and should express the organisations values and behaviours. Successful job analysis is done when it is carried out in unison between a member of the team close to the specific role in question and normally a HR professional (Cook and Cripps 2005). IBM focuses on the competency element of a job specification and thus manages to combine the two approaches. By working in conjunction with the Line Manager who is close to the job role, the HR team member or Recruiter is able to combine in the specification the required practicalities and technical ability as well as the desired personality characteristi... ... Chapman, D. S. and P. Rowe. 2002. â€Å"The Influence of Videoconference Technology and Interview Structure on the Recruiting Function of the Employment Interview: A Field Experiment.† International Journal of Selection and Assessment 10: 185-197. Huffcutt, A. I. and D. J. Woehr. 1999. â€Å"Further Analysis of Employment Interview Validity: A Quantitative Evaluation of Interviewer-Related Structuring Methods.† Journal of Organizational Behavior 20: 549-560. Lievens, F. and A. DePaepe. 2004. â€Å"An Empirical Investigation of Interviewer-Related Factors that Discourage the Use of High Structure in Interviews.† Journal of Organizational Behavior 25: 29-46. Harris, M. M. and R. W. Eder. 1999. â€Å"The State of Employment Interview Practice: Commentary and Extension.† In R. W. Eder and M. M. Harris (Eds.) The Employment Interview Handbook 369-398. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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